Holiday time is nearing again and I am looking for sponsors for my Gift Guide. I would love to be able to offer giveaways this year again for the following products: Footwear for the family, Baby Products, Toys, Bathroom accissories. Clothing for women, men and childern, Perfumes, Candles, Men's shaving produicts, Hair products for the family, Tech products, Jewellery, Anything that is family friendly and that would be great to give as a gift.
I want to start around November 15 th and run until December 20. I accept full size products and do not return them. I use them to give my honest opinion to my followers and always have a great following at holiday time. Please contact me if you would lke to be featured in my gift guide this year. Thank you.
perfume, clothing, footwear, tech products, movies, toys, men, women, children, household items family friendly.
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