Pitchrate | Hockey Rink Grand Opening Raffle Fundraiser to Grow the Game

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Hockey Rink Grand Opening Raffle Fundraiser to Grow the Game

Request Date:

07/25/2024 11:29pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

07/31/2024 11:21pm

Category of Expertise:

We are SO excited that the Flyers Charities have stepped in with a $200K grant to fully rebuild the local ball hockey rink brand new!! My daughter is one of the young girls who stood up with her friend to advocate for the rink staying in place. The grand opening is August 7 and we are now working to raise some money for a shed and some hockey sticks so there's no barrier to kids and even adults giving hockey a try.

If you are in a position to donate a raffle item, we would be delighted to feature it at our grand opening event. We are holding a raffle at the event and will display signage and logos for any donations. We will also promote on our social media pages and a blog recap of the event.

Please let me know if this might be of interest. We are grateful for the awesome experiences so far and look forward to much more hockey to come! Thank you for your consideration!


hockey, rink, grand, opening, raffle, event

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