Pitchrate | Awesome or kind things have you done for someone who was sick

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Awesome or kind things have you done for someone who was sick



Request Date:

08/12/2013 08:21pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

08/12/2025 08:21pm

Category of Expertise:


I'm an award-winning author. I'm writing a book on awesome or kind things people have done for someone who is sick.

Do you have a brief story (one paragraph to max two pages) to share?

A story that stands out in your memory of what you did for some who was sick, or happened to you when you were sick?

I'm looking for something that's either heartwarming, kind, fabulous, practical, fun, OR inspirational—anything that made an impression on you.

Also, what are tips you can give others to help with sick ones?

~ Elaine What awesome or kind things have you done for someone who is sick, or in the hospital?


sick, friends, help, heartwarming, fun,

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