I am a freelance writer for EContent Magazine (
www.econtentmag.com). I’m looking to interview digital publishers, electronic content providers, marketing specialists and other experts for the following story topic:
GETTING YOUR BRANDED CONTENT TO THE MASSES. Creating great content that is useful to a brand's audience/customers and marketing that content are important. But great content is useless if no one sees it, and for many brands, just sticking up a post on the company blog isn't enough to get that content to a wider audience. This story will explore how content marketers can get their content out to the wider masses. I’m looking to set up interviews before my deadline (noon central time, Wednesday, June 4). Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to for this story. I can either conduct a phone interview, or accept typed up answers to my questions below that I can use as quotes in my story (that’s often easier and ensures no accidental misquoting). Please e-mail me back your interest and phone interview availability or your typed up answers to these questions:
1. What are the secrets/keys to successful content branding today and to creating great content that is useful to a brand’s audience and customers?
2. Why is it important for content marketers to get this branded content out to wider audiences?
3. What strategies do you recommend for content marketers to get their branded content out to the masses? What are the steps involved, in order? What strategies have proven effective and also not so effective?
4. What are some of the distinctive and/or recent challenges that digital publishers/electronic content providers face today when it comes to wider distribution of their branded content and maximizing their reach/message that perhaps weren’t challenges just a few years ago?
5. On this topic, what are some “don’ts” that marketers should avoid and why?
6. When it comes to branded content distribution, what are some of the challenges, limitations and opportunities that publishers/marketers need to keep in mind?
7. How should publishers/marketers be leveraging different platforms and media to increase their reach and audience? Are there any creative/innovative strategies here they should consider?
8. Can you provide at least one real life or hypothetical example of a digital content provider/publisher that has been particularly successful in getting its branded content out to the masses? Why did you choose this example?
9. What other often overlooked factors/criteria should publishers/marketers be considering on this topic?
10. Any other thoughts or comments on this topic you’d like to add?
11. What is your full name, title, company, city/state company location and email address?