Pitchrate | Seeking car owners and renters who use car share services

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Seeking car owners and renters who use car share services


ValuePenguin (www.valuepenguin.com)

Request Date:

03/23/2015 11:09am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

03/26/2015 01:00pm

Category of Expertise:

I am a writer with ValuePenguin (www.valuepenguin.com), a site that provides consumers with helpful articles and information on financial topics. I’m looking to interview car owners and renter drivers who participate in peer-to-peer (P2P) car sharing services (such as RelayRides and Getaround) for the following article:

PEER-TO-PEER CAR SHARING RISKS RELATED TO CAR INSURANCE: WHAT TO CONSIDER AUTO INSURANCE-WISE BEFORE RENTING OUT A CAR VIA RELAYRIDES, GETAROUND AND OTHER SERVICES. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, please email me back full-sentence written responses that I can use as quotes). My deadline is noon central time, Thursday, March 26, 2015.

1. (QUESTIONS 1-3 FOR RENTER DRIVERS) What peer-to-peer (P2P) car sharing service did you use, when, and where did you drive to/from? What was the experience like? Would you do this again—why/why not?
2. What auto insurance coverage was in place while you were driving the car share car? Did you ever get in an accident in a P2P car share car and have to file a claim? What were the circumstances, and what was/was not covered?
3. What is your feeling about the auto insurance coverage while using a P2P car share car? Do you feel the coverage was/is adequate? Did you supplement this coverage in any way, or would you in the future? Up to what coverage limits would you supplement?
4. What advice would you give to other car share renter drivers, when it comes to being adequately covered by auto insurance as a passenger, before choosing one of these services? What questions should car share renters be asking, and who should they be asking them of?
5. In your opinion, how and why do the rewards of being a car share driver outweigh the insurance risks/insurance costs?
6. What is your full name, age, city/state location, and email address?
7. (QUESTIONS 7-12 FOR OWNERS OF CAR SHARE CARS) What peer-to-peer (P2P) car sharing service did/do you use, when, and where did you rent out the car to/from? What was the experience like? Would you do this again—why/why not?
8. What auto insurance coverage was in place while you lent out the car to a renter driver? Did any renter driver ever get in an accident in your P2P car share car and have to file a claim? What were the circumstances, and what was/was not covered?
9. What is your feeling about the auto insurance coverage while lending out a P2P car share car as an owner? Do you feel the coverage was/is adequate? Did you supplement this coverage in any way, or would you in the future? Up to what coverage limits would you supplement?
10. What advice would you give to other car share owner, when it comes to having renters be adequately covered by auto insurance, before choosing one of these services? What questions should car share owners be asking, and who should they be asking them of?
11. In your opinion, how and why do the rewards of being a car share owner outweigh the insurance risks/insurance costs?
12. What is your full name, age, city/state location, and email address?


size, car, serif, sans, family, 0pt, font, arial, share, insurance, coverage, peer, p2p, auto, questions, renter, valuepenguin, services, asking, supplement, covered, sharing, owners, email, driver, owner, drivers, risks, full, renters

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