I am a writer with ValuePenguin (www.valuepenguin.com), a site that provides consumers with helpful articles and information on financial topics. I’m looking to interview auto insurance agents and industry experts for the following article: PEER-TO-PEER CAR SHARING RISKS RELATED TO CAR INSURANCE: WHAT TO CONSIDER AUTO INSURANCE-WISE BEFORE RENTING OUT A CAR VIA RELAYRIDES, GETAROUND AND OTHER SERVICES. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, please email me back full-sentence written responses that I can use as quotes). My deadline is noon central time, Thursday, March 26, 2015.
QUESTIONS:1. What kind of auto insurance is automatically provided by RelayRides, Getaround and other P2P car share services to lender owners and to renters who driver that car? (Please be specific with coverage limits related to liability, collision/comprehensive, uninsured/underinsured motorists, etc.)? When does that coverage begin and end? 2. Are there any other major or up-and-coming P2P car sharing services that are competitors to RelayRides and Sidecar worth noting? Available in what markets? What kind of insurance do they offer?3. What does RelayRides, Getaround and related competitors also require of owner lenders and driver renters? (e.g., proof of personal auto insurance, background checks, etc.?)4. For these services, under what circumstances/when is the personal auto insurance policy of the owner and of the renter driver primary? Will personal auto insurers even cover the P2P car sharing activity of their policyholders, or will they reject any related claims? When/why?5. For any gaps in coverage, what is the solution? Should these owners and renters purchase a separate commercial auto insurance policy or rider/endorsement? What should that policy cover/include and up to what limits, in your opinion? What do these policies/riders typically cost (provide an example, if possible)?6. Do the rewards of using P2P car sharing services outweigh these risks? How/why? Can you detail how much money an owner/lender can make lending out their car vs. the cost of wear-and-tear/insurance, etc. they have to pay? Can you substantiate dollar wise and advantage wise how using a car sharing service is cheaper/better than renting from Hertz and the like or Zipcar and the like?7. Currently, do you know how many states have passed or are preparing to pass laws related to car sharing and insurance? Are most of these laws similar, or vastly different? Which state currently has the best “gold standard” type law that you admire? What is your prediction when it comes to legislation—will this continue to differ by state, or will the insurance industry push for laws that will be standardized/similar across all states? 8. How is the auto insurance industry adapting to/changing in any when it comes to the car-sharing movement? What is your prediction—how will this issue evolve, and what can car sharing and ride sharing consumers expect in the near or long-term future regarding auto insurance matters? Will most/all eventually offer policies that provide motorists with coverage for both traditional private use and commercial use? Why/when?9. What recommendations can you give or best practice advice can you offer to car sharing owners and renters so that they reduce their risks, keep auto insurance premiums/fees low, and protect their interests? Any other thoughts or ideas on this topic you’d like to offer?10. What is your full name, title, degrees/credentials, company, city/state location, and email address?
size, 0pt, color, 44546a, arial, sans, serif, font, family, insurance, car, auto, sharing, related, valuepenguin, services, p2p, offer, coverage, renters, industry, relayrides, owner, personal, policy, state, laws, wise, etc, email, owners, getaround, driver, risks
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