Pitchrate | The Costco Connection Digital Storage

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The Costco Connection: Digital Storage


The Costco Connection

Request Date:

08/21/2015 11:12am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

08/27/2015 01:00pm

Category of Expertise:

I'm working on a new story for The Costco Connection (the consumer magazine for members of Costco stores) on the following topic:

NO DISC REQUIRED: How digital copies and digital locker services like Ultraviolet have quickly become the preferred way for fans to instantly watch their favorite movie and TV show content online or from their computers. This article would explore the options available to consumers--many of which are free and included in the Blu-Ray and/or DVD movies/TV shows they've already purchased, including many titles offered by Costco--to store and access these entertainments via iTunes, Windows Media, and Ultraviolet, delve into the differences between these options and their respective pros/cons, and examine the future of digital storage of your favorite films and series/episodes. For this story, I’m looking to interview consumers who use/access digital copies as well as industry experts who are familiar with this technology and its pros and cons. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, you can type up responses to my questions below and email them to me). My deadline to complete all interviews is Thursday, August 27 by noon central time.

1. (FOR CONSUMERS): What digital copies do you own (that came with the purchase of a physical disk or otherwise) – digital copies of which particular films, and what formats did you access them on (iTunes, Ultraviolet, etc.)? What do you enjoy about owning and having access to digital copies? What devices do you view these digital copy movies on? Is there anything you don’t like about the digital copy process or format or that could be improved here? What advice would you give to other consumers when it comes to owning/accessing digital copies? What is your full name, and city and state location? Are you a Costco member, and if so, for how many years?
2. (FOR INDUSTRY EXPERTS): Explain for beginners what the concept of digital copies of movies is and how it works. Why would someone want to own and use a digital copy of a movie or TV show?
3. What is the process involved by which the consumer can access their digital copy? Which types of digital copies are “in the cloud” versus stored on a personal hard drive? What types of devices can digital copies be viewed from and how?
4. What are the different competing formats/services today? What’s the difference between a digital copy and a digital locker service like Ultraviolet or Disney Movies Anywhere? Which companies/studios are offering free digital copies of their movies, on which formats, and with which products (only with the purchase of a Blu-ray disc? Are digital copies offered with some DVDs as well?)? Is there any other way to either purchase a digital copy, such as through iTunes? Besides VUDU, is there any service or program that will allow you to convert a physical disk you own to a digital copy?
5. What are the pros and cons of digital copies/digital lockers? What is consumer friendly about this technology, and what is frustrating to consumers? How long does the consumer “own”/have access to the digital copy? Will this ownership/access ever disappear, such as if the studio goes out of business or is sold?
6. Does this technology have a viable future, or do you see it dying out anytime soon? Why? What will replace it?
7. What do consumers need to be aware of regarding digital copies (such as a limited deadline in which to access/register/download the digital copy, the need to create separate accounts with separate services, etc.)?
8. Any other thoughts, comments, or tips you wanted to offer on this topic?
9. What is your full name, title/company (if you’re a business), and city/state location?
10. Are you a Costco member (not required), and if so, for how many years?


size, copies, serif, font, family, cambria, 0pt, access, costco, movies, consumer, ultraviolet, own, purchase, ats, cons, services, itunes, pros, technology

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