Pitchrate | Can you write about advanced learning

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Can you write about advanced learning?


Advanced Learning Magazine

Request Date:

07/18/2016 08:15am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

09/01/2016 08:14am

Category of Expertise:

Advanced Learning Magazine is the first and only magazine focused on exploring developments in cognitive enhancement, the growing world of advanced nootropics, memory development, meditation, learning technology, studies and reports. Advanced Learning Magazine is looking for contributors who can produce insightful and thought provoking articles on advanced nootropics, improving memory, meditation , cognition and mental awareness. We’re also interested in case studies on how improving cognition has changed your life. If you would like to be a columnist for Advanced Learning Magazine email the editor at businesseditor@email.com

Advanced Learning Magazine is part of the Sussex Newspaper Group
You can visit Advanced Learning Magazine at www.advancedlearningmagazine.com


learning, education, nootropics, cognition, memory

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