Hello. My name is Erik Martin and I am a reporter for a nationally syndicated real estate section published weekly in newspapers across the country (see current examples at gmnews.com/?s=%22by+erik+j.+martin%22). I’m looking to interview realtors/agents, investors, lenders, and other housing experts for the following article: FINDING A PET FRIENDLY PROPERTY: WHAT TO CONSIDER BEFORE BUYING A HOME WHEN YOU HAVE A CAT OR DOG. This piece will investigate what prospective buyers who own a cat or dog or multiple pets need to consider carefully when shopping around for a home, including resilience of flooring, a large fenced yard, an accommodating place to put the litter box, next-door neighbors who may have a dog that scares your pet, and other factors. Also included will be tips on how to make your next home more pet-friendly. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, please email me back full-sentence written responses that I can use as quotes). My deadline is noon central, Wednesday, November 30.
QUESTIONS:1. Why/how can it be challenging sometimes for owners of a dog and/or cat to shop for a home-- especially if their next home needs to be pet friendly in any way? 2. What do these pet owners need to consider carefully before purchasing a home: for example, a fenced-in yard, accommodations for a litter box, next-door neighbors with dogs of their own, flooring materials that can get damaged by your pet, etc.? What amenities/features should these pet owners be looking for in a pet-friendly home for sale?3. Should pet-friendly features/amenities be put on the back burner when shopping for a home? Are “pet-friendly” features overrated (in other words, prospective buyers should be considering other important criteria first; if so, what/why?)4. What tips can you provide on how to make your next home more dog and/or cat friendly, even if it is not that pet-amenable when you first purchase it? 5. What would you recommend new buyers avoid when it comes to pet-customizing their newly purchased home so that they don’t hurt resale value if they choose to sell down the road?6. Any other thoughts, tips or suggestions on this topic?7. What is your full name, title, company, city/state location, and email address?
realtors/agents, investors, lenders
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