Looking for book reviews of business books authored by women (recent books with publication dates of 2017, 2018 or 2019 acceptable)
Must include Title of Book, Author, publication date, author website and contact information, social media links, cover image, and from 350 to 1000 word review or synopsis of book.
Authors may also submit your book. Can be an excerpt or may submit in the form of a Q and A from 4 to 7 questions answered.
Sample questions may include:
1. Why you wrote the book
2. What the book is about
3. Goals for the book
4. what's next for you
5. About the author
6. What do you hope people will gain from reading your book
May use the above questions or questions more specific to your work.
Must be business-related and written by women for our Women-only Business Directory.
Note: we do not accept fiction or poetry books. Self development are fine if they have a business slant.
Submit to heidi@redheadmarketinginc.com with "HER Business Book Submission" in the subject line
book review, author interview, books by women, business books
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