Pitchrate | Lookin for experts on target-maturity bond funds

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Lookin for experts on target-maturity bond funds



Request Date:

01/04/2019 04:40pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

01/10/2019 07:00pm

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance
I'm looking for financial advisors, retirement and bond experts, and academics with tips on using target-maturity bond funds, generally and in today's market.

What are your general thoughts on the pros and cons? Do you recommend these funds to clients? Who is the ideal investor and who should stay away? Are these funds of any use to investors, like young people saving for retirement, who do NOT have an expected cash need at a specific time?

Should they be coupled with other bond strategies like laddering? Finally, do these funds have any special appeal in today's environment. Do any maturities have any special attraction. Are there any you'd stay away from? What else should I be asking?

I prefer responses by email containing usable content and quotes, and because I usually get plenty I rarely respond to ones merely offering a source for interview. Please include the source's contact info, full name, title, firm and location (don’t skip location, many organizations’ sites are unclear about this). Send attachments to jeffbrown@jeffbrownfinance.com.




bonds, target-maturity bond funds, bond funds, investing, retirement, asset allocation

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