Pitchrate | Last Call Feature. Products For Coping With Cold, Wet, Icy, Wintry Conditions.

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Last Call! Feature. Products For Coping With Cold, Wet, Icy, Wintry Conditions.


InTouch Rugby

Request Date:

01/28/2019 08:30am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

02/11/2019 08:20am

Category of Expertise:

Health & Fitness
People are experiencing winter at its harshest currently. There are many many icy patches where people are walking , and getting outdoors when possible. Cold, arctic temperatures prevail, at times there is icy rain, snow, sleet, harsh freezing winds and fogs. People are still achieving their tasks amidst this, and they are being aided by the best products in the world for coping, continuing and working, and travelling in Winter Weather. Warmth, comfort, ingenious products are keeping people safe and warm and secure no matter what happens. Our feature will highlight these specialist products many of which are common traditional answers, others innovate and evolve these traditional items to make them even better, some just never change they work just fine. We will provide tips, safety information, and feature products which solve winter weather problems and provide defence and we will provide a little information also on warming up once indoors, transitioning safely from outdoors to indoors, and this will include winter warmers. All submissions will be used in the guide which is live now on our home pages just when this wintry weather has really hold and people have realised that they need to act. We will also position vital product information by sharing products to all our social media and linekdin connections currently 742000 connections (incl 61K on lindedin) sharing data and images which describe the product in question concisely and clearly which is helpful to the readers! We look forward very much to featuring all submissions. People are determined to remain fit and active and healthy no matter what is happening with the weather.

With 100,000+ social and fashionable sports enthusiasts readers per week and over 742,000+ social followers (incl 60000+ on LinkedIn) our readers are social, fashionable and sporty. Covering the English Premiership, France Top 14 and Pro14 + American Professional Rugby Tournament & with a major focus on Grassroots rugby clubs and schools our feature is highlighting Winter Weather Products.


Winter, Weather, Essentials

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