Spring is in the air and all the animals are coming out of hibernation as the weather and light improves! Getting outdoors and increasing/maintaining fitness is a priority at this time of year. People will be getting fresh foods and drinks into their diets. The heavy clothes and jackets are coming of during the day although temperatures can fluctuate dramatically and the risk of snow is a possibility in many climate zones... our our focus in our Spring Guides is all of the great products and services out their for everyone preparing for the transition fully into spring as people take full advantage of the improved weather conditions and enjoying the fact that Spring will fully arrive soon! We would be delighted to feature all submissions, which will all be used in the guides (we will have over 26 guides this season) and we will be featuring individual products and services on our home pages and sending alerts about products and services to all our social and linkedin connections (currently 753000 social connections incl 61900 on linkedin!)
With 100,000+ social and fashionable sports enthusiasts readers per week and over 753,000+ social followers (incl 61900+ on LinkedIn) our readers are social, fashionable and sporty. Covering the English Premiership, France Top 14 and Pro14 + American Professional Rugby Tournament & with a major focus on Grassroots rugby clubs and schools our feature will highlight Spring Essentials.
Spring, essentials, Guides
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