Pitchrate | Recruiter input wanted on job boards.

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Recruiter input wanted on job boards.

Request Date:

03/13/2019 03:56pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

03/26/2019 12:00pm

Category of Expertise:

Query: As career professionals (coaches and resume writers) we have found that job seekers tend to rely too heavily on job boards and end up wondering why they aren’t getting interviews. However, we are now hearing that recruiters often source candidates from job boards. Do you use job boards to source candidates, and if so, which ones?
Your answer to this question will be featured in a column entitled, "Recruiter Voice" for our global resume writers, career coaches, and job-seeking members. We will also publish your name, title, and company in a blog post to recognize your contribution.
Please only respond if you are a recruiter or talent acquisition specialist.
Please also provide your name, title, company, and a headshot image. These details will be included in the column unless you prefer to be anonymous.


recruiters; recruitment; talent acquisition; job search

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