With Spring now here before we know it Summer will have arrived and with families now spending so much quality time together, introducing the greatest products and services into the mix is so helpful and important! Combining learning with fun, summer foods and drinks, so that time spent in education mode and then play mode is truly enjoyable and relaxing. Busy minds will be absorbing., growing, learning and using up all that energy in productive enterprises... especially at a time when staying busy is as important es ever! Educational items, fun and play items, items for hobbies, reading and painting supplies, outdoors pursuits items and clothing... nutritional foods and drinks which replace lost fluids, electrolytes, proteins and carbohydrates as all of these activities are happening and for keeping mental alertness...
Please do send in all ideas as everything will be used in the guides and individual ideas will be used on our home pages and sent out to all our social and linkedin connections! With over 100,000 readers per week and 960000+ social connections including 80000K+ on Linkedin & 165000 unique monthly viewers on our rapidly growing new Pinterest pages in just 16 weeks our audience are social, fashionable and sporty. Covering the English Premiership, American Professional League, France Top 14 & Pro14 & With a major focus on Grassroots rugby clubs and schools our guide will endeavour to highlight all the great ideas for Summer Essentials.
Summer, Essentials
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