Pitchrate | Have You Developed a Product that Impacts How We Live or Work During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Have You Developed a Product that Impacts How We Live or Work During the Coronavirus Pandemic?


Exceptional People Magazine

Request Date:

09/15/2020 05:59pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

10/20/2020 05:56pm

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance
Exceptional People Magazine provides inspiration, success strategies and insights from business leaders, experts and successful entrepreneurs. We spotlight extraordinary leaders and visionaries, humanitarians and ordinary people who achieve the extraordinary in their lives and the world, and we are committed to promoting unity, renewed vision and better living. Are you an inventor or innovator who has developed a new product that aids in improving a process or our way of living as a result of COVID-19? We are seeking individuals who are using their ingenuity to develop new ways to help us live better in unprecedented times. You must be willing to talk about your COVID-19 has impacted your life and what inspired you to develop the product or service. We want to enlighten others who may be interested in inventing their own product. Be willing to share at least five useful business tips or advice to inspire other innovators and inventors. Your advice should include insights based on what you’ve learned from your challenges and business experiences during these last six to seven months. Please provide insights into what you do as an inventor or innovator and how it helps humanity. Also, include your website information.


inventor, innovator, entrepreneur

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