Pitchrate | Seeking Short Interviews for Life Mastery Series - Change a Life In Days

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Seeking Short Interviews for Life Mastery Series - Change a Life In 30 Days


Exceptional People Magazine

Request Date:

10/03/2020 12:53pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

12/01/2020 12:52pm

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance
Exceptional People Magazine is a global magazine that provides inspiration, success strategies and insights from top business leaders, experts and successful entrepreneurs. We spotlight extraordinary leaders and visionaries, humanitarians and ordinary people who achieve the extraordinary; revealing their insights, advice, failures, successes and motivating factors behind their success. We are looking for America's top experts, business and other leaders, as well as CEO’s who would like to be interviewed for our Life Mastery series.

You must be willing to share your business and/or life challenges and how you overcame them, as well as your successes/achievements. Based on that, we'd like you to share what you would do to help change someone's life or business in 30 days. Speak in-depth on one life-changing tip that can help others improve their lives and achieve success in their business, professional career or personal life in 30 days.
We're going to interview you for your best tip so others can achieve success in their lives, even if it results in an incremental change.
If you have a specific life-changing story that others can learn from to help begin to transform their lives or business within 30 days, we would like to interview you. The advice/tip you provide must be action-oriented and obtainable so that a person can begin implementing it right away and begin to see results within 30 days. Think back to the advice that someone gave you that you implemented and it made a difference within the next 30 days. Can you pay it forward by sharing your advice?


small business success, professional development, self-improvement, life-mastery, change your life in 30 days, storytelling, self-development

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