Pitchrate Expert | Kundan Chhabra

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Kundan Chhabra

Category of Expertise:

Authors, Book Writing & Publishing , Lifestyles, Love & Relationships, Personal/Business Coaching, Religion/Spirituality

User Type:

"Breakthrough-Awakening Coach Kundan Chhabra guides women to the next level of relationship happiness. His work has helped save marriages, end toxic relationships, and inspired his clients to lead more fulfilled lives with healthier connections of all kinds.
He is the author of “Experiencing Divinity, Sharing Awakening”, and a contributing author in the ground-breaking anthology “Love-Like God:Embracing Unconditional Love”, endorsed by Chicken Soup for the Soul co-founder Mark Victor Hansen. Other contributing authors in “Love Like God” include singer Deva Premal, actress Lorelei Shellist, and author Crystal Dwyer. Through his internet radio show, Kundan's Love Radio, Kundan has worked with thought-leaders worldwide: Noah St. John, Em Claire, Daphne Rose Kingma, Bob Burg, and more.

Kundan is the editor and curator of "Better Relationships" Collection on Medium.com

Kundan is initiated as a 'Divine Openings' Giver, and has recently facilitated his version of 'Uzazu' at TEDxUCIrvine 2013."

His new site is: http://Breakthrough-Awakening.Com


spirituality, poetry, dating, relationships, love, self-improvement, self-help, personal development, self-love, awakening, breakthrough, breakthrough awakening

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