Pitchrate Expert | Barry James Hickey

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Barry James Hickey

Category of Expertise:

Arts & Entertainment, Authors, Automotive, Book Writing & Publishing , Education, Family, Love & Relationships, Religion/Spirituality

User Type:

Barry James Hickey is above all else, an entertainer. He writes multicultural novels(The Five Pearls, The Glass Fence, Chasing God's River), is a syndicated columnist and internet radio talk show host. He has a music CD, books and travelogues on Amazon. Before he began his career as a writer, there were other stops to make in Hickey's life journey: As a stage actor,he moved to Hollywood in the mid-80's and starred in several B movies. He was also a screenwriter, producer and director. He worked inside corporate Holllywood at Disney and CBS for studio heads. He spent four years traveling as a country music singer. Seven years in the car business in all facets. Elevator operator, canoe guide, steelworker, hotel desk clerk... A writer's life. A native of Chicago, his hitchhiking adventures took him to Florida, New Orleans, Mexico, the West Coast and other locales. Hickey spent three months in India working on his last motion picture (never finished). Hickey's personal experience fuels his novels and stories. His ripe characters and narrative drives readers to rethink their own place in American culture. At present, Hickey is the Senior Editor for TumbleBrush Press, always available to share the ups and downs of his experiences, personal knowledge and insights.


american experience, writing, travel, education, hollywood, music industry, book publishing, auto sales

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