Pitchrate Expert | Edward Rothacker

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Edward Rothacker

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Ed Rothacker was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1951 and began studying piano at age seven. In 1965, Ed started playing organ for church and is involved with church music to this day. From a high school “basement” band, to an award-winning rock band in the Navy, to a professional show band in the mid 70’s, music was an integral part of life. After majoring in music in College, Ed found a career in sales with Data Processing Sciences based in Cincinnati, Ohio and was with them for 17 years. Starting in Cleveland as a technician, moving into sales then opening an office in Detroit before moving back to Ohio’s Columbus office, Ed built his customer base with honesty and hard work.

He and his wife Cindy have two children and three grandchildren. Cindy teaches the visually impaired at a Columbus high school. Together they lead worship for kids 3 years old to 5th grade at their church. Ed is currently working for a couple companies out of the home; one who provides assembly programs for high schools, and the other sells high-end test equipment for the cellular industry.


former catholic

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2270 Salbuck Ave




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