Pitchrate Expert | Joan Murray

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Joan Murray

Category of Expertise:

Arts, Crafts & Writing, Authors, Book Writing & Publishing , Communication, Non-Profit, Religion/Spirituality


Joan Murray Ministries

User Type:

Joan Murray received Jesus as her Savior at the age of twelve. During the past twenty years she has taught the life-changing Word of God in churches, Bible study classes, conferences, seminars, prisons, and workshops. Her love for the Lord and her study of the Word has equipped her to teach, train, counsel, and pray for those in need. Her gift of intercession has deepened her love for people, and has given her a heart of compassion as well as a passion to see people whole, healed and set free by the power of God.

Joan is committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is the founder of Joan Murray Ministries, a Bible-based ministry that focuses on teaching the Word of God. She is a minister, speaker, author, and missionary who loves the Word of God and desires to see people experience freedom, wholeness, and victory in all areas of life. Joan shares her passion for seeing lives changed throughout the country as well as internationally.

After receiving her calling to launch the ministry, Joan focused on becoming the “hands and feet of Jesus” through work in local and international missions. She is dedicated to changing the lives of children, women, and men. Joan ministers “life lessons” to her audiences by teaching them that God has a plan and purpose for their lives. She then provides practical aid to meet the physical needs in their lives.

The ministry is currently focusing its mission outreach to Central America and the Caribbean Islands. Joan delivers profound messages of God’s love and hope to many audiences. She, along with her ministry team, shares the gospel message to many people, provides opportunities for them to receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord, ministers deliverance to the oppressed, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, gives words of wisdom, knowledge, and prophetic messages, etc. to meet the spiritual needs of the people. In addition, meals are provided to the hungry, clothing is distributed to the needy in hospitals, poor communities, and aids shelters. We also provide back-to-school supplies to needy families, minister hope in the prison systems, and provide help to teenage girls who are living in halfway houses.

Joan cares for these groups -- the children, young women, and elderly women. Joan currently resides in Houston, Texas.

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