Pitchrate Expert | Gene Griessman

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Gene Griessman

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Griessman & Associates

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Dr. Gene Griessman has spoken at conventions and has conducted seminars worldwide. As actor and playwright, he has performed his one-man play on Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre, the Georgia Dome, the Lincoln Memorial, and aboard the famed carrier the USS Abraham Lincoln. He has conducted exclusive interviews with U.S. Presidents, famous actors, sports figures, business leaders, and Nobel Laureates for TV and print media.

Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Award and the Kay Herman Legacy Award, he often appears on television and radio, and his award-winning productions have aired on TBS. He is the creator of the highly regarded compendium of best practices in communication--whatyousay.com.

His CNN interview (about Abraham Lincoln) is on Youtube:

His book "Time Tactics Of Very Successful People" (McGraw-Hill) is in its 28th printing; "The Words Lincoln Lived By" (Fireside-Simon & Schuster) is in its 8th printing. Other titles include "The Achievement Factors", "99 Ways To Get More Out Of Every Day"; "Lincoln Speaks To Leaders" (with Pat Williams and Peggy Matthews Rose); “The Inspirational Words of Abraham Lincoln;” “Lessons from Legends” (Winner of the JPF "Best Educational Album”); "Lincoln's Wisdom;" and the widely used training video "Lincoln On Communication"

Dr. Griessman has taught at the College of William and Mary, North Carolina State University, Auburn University, Tuskegee University, and Georgia Tech. He has served as Fulbright professor at Quaid-i-Azam University (the national graduate university of Pakistan) and as visiting researcher at the National Agrarian University of Peru and the University of New South Wales in Australia.


speaking and writing skills, abraham lincoln on communication; american society, ,

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