Pitchrate Expert | Shlomit Kriger

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Shlomit Kriger

Category of Expertise:

Arts, Crafts & Writing, Authors, Book Writing & Publishing , Religion/Spirituality

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A journalist, poet, songwriter, visual artist, and expressive arts facilitator, Shlomit Kriger enjoys sprinkling inspiration, knowledge, and healing through the arts. Her creative pieces stretch readers' emotions and imaginations, as well as push them to dive deeper into societal issues.

In 2005 Ms. Kriger coordinated the 6th Annual Creative Writing Contest for the Homeless through the humanitarian organization Ve'ahavta and assisted in producing a zine featuring the winning entries. The contest inspired her to further explore how the arts can be used to help people express themselves, become empowered, and heal. She went on to earn a certificate in the Foundations of Expressive Arts Therapy from ISIS Canada.

Ms. Kriger also collected and edited writings by Holocaust survivors from various countries for the book Marking Humanity: Stories, Poems, & Essays by Holocaust Survivors (Soul Inscriptions Press, 2010). The book features 70 writings by 46 survivors from six countries. Moreover, Marking Humanity also takes readers beyond the Holocaust, encouraging them to consider the various acts of hatred and violence that have occurred around the world since that dark period in history. It emphasizes that every person helps to shape the world and must work on improving himself and his community so that future generations can discover the true meaning of "Never Again." For more information on this book, visit www.soulinscriptionspress.com


holocaust, world war ii, world war 2, jewish, judaism, holocaust survivors, expressive arts therapy, poet, poetry, creative writing, journalism, journalist, editor, editing

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