Pitchrate Expert | Lei Lei

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Lei Lei

Category of Expertise:

Business Performance


Rutgers Business School

User Type:

Professor Lei Lei, an expert to comment on what the current disruption in Japan's supply chain will do to the world's industries.

In addition to teaching MBA courses at Rutgers Business School, Dr. Lei Lei, a renowned expert in the field of Supply Chain Management & Marketing Sciences, has also served as the dissertation advisor of 11 PhD students, co-guest editor for Annals of Operations Research, associate editor of IIE Transactions, and Naval Research Logistics.

She is a member of the review board of Journal of Supply Chain Management, and the review panel of the National Science Foundation.

She has published many articles in refereed journals such as Management Science, INFORMSJournal on Computing, Interfaces, IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operations Research, Journal of Operational Research Society, etc. She was the leading researcher for an industry distribution network design project that led to a potential saving of multi-million dollars in 2004. She is a recipient of five teaching excellence awards at Rutgers Business School since 1990, and was listed in Business Week as one of the two Most Popular Business Professors at Rutgers University (www.businessweek.com, Oct. 2, 2000).


supply chain management, operations scheduling, project resource allocation models, logistics performance optimization, and distribution network designs.

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