Pitchrate Expert | Karen Marschel

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Karen Marschel

Category of Expertise:

Health & Fitness


KM Nutrition Consulting, Inc.

User Type:

Karen Marschel, RD, LD, CDE, CLT has been teaching people how to manage diabetes for 18 years. This passion stems from her life experience seeing her dad suffer the effects of uncontrolled diabetes, mostly due to lack of information and resources. She also had gestational diabetes but has managed to be successful in preventing type 2 diabetes for almost 20 years.

Karen also has a passion for helping those with diabetes and other health conditions discover the power of food and nutrition in healing our bodies and fighting disease. She offers programs that help you identify problem areas in your current food habits and solutions to make changes that bring back energy and wellness to your life.

Karen lives in central Minnesota and enjoys time with family on the lake, and loves to garden, try new recipes, play tennis, and enjoy nature hiking or going for walks.

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24512 Agram Blvd




United States

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