Pitchrate Publicist | Roberta Budvietas

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Roberta Budvietas

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance, Business Performance, Communication, Education, Personal/Business Coaching


Budvietas.com Ltd

User Type:

Roberta Budvietas styles herself as "Simplifier, Presenter and Mentor". She sees her role in the business world as a person who can help simplify processes and procedures so that others can avoid getting stuck and aid them in applying their abilities as productively as possible.
She worked hard for her initial B.B.S. degree, studying, holding down a full-time job as marketing manager, and running a household with three males. She figures that, by now, she has done enough study and research to justify a Ph.D. from H.K.U. (Hard Knocks University) specialising in B.S.E. (B.S. Elimination).
She has been a General Manager; been called in to rescue failing businesses, done the set up of successful businesses, has certificates galore in adult education, fired universities for not providing meaningful material for a Masters degree, managed teams of people, lectured on business, particularly business start-ups and running small to medium sized enterprises, mentored businesses at critical points in their development, and more.
Tonight she will talk to you about the importance in your business of a Buyer Experience Map and the treasure that you can find.


small business, business start up, business success, baby boomers and business

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