Pitchrate Expert | Shannon Kilkenny

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Shannon Kilkenny

Category of Expertise:

Book Writing & Publishing , Education, Environment, General


enterprising events

User Type:

Humm, about me! Author, speaker, writer, adventurer, and event entrepreneur. I love to teach others to become successful by “Producing more Events, to More Clients, in Less Time”. I also like to kayak, play on my ipad, eat potato chips and run on the beach. What are your pleasures?

With over 30 years of experience in event planning you can imagine that I have done it all…well almost. But I’ve had the pleasure to work on one event or another in the hospitality trade, banking industry, with educational and non-profit organizations, professional associations, athletic clubs and the environmental community. My goal is to share the wealth by teaching others to promote and sell their products by having seminars and conferences.

When the first edition of my book came out I hit the convention and conference trail and spoke at just about every hospitality related event. That tour took me all over the United States and fortunately I did a speaking gig in South Asia starting in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong and ending in Thailand. What a fabulous honor it was to speak about “environmental” planning around the world.

Just coming up from writing my revised book, I’ll be looking for speaking partners perhaps to do some webinars and hit the speaking circuit again as well as planning more interesting events. I’d like to participate in the teaching of the industry to old and new planners alike. If you’d like to join me and have an idea or two about what to teach, please email me below.

I really look forward to mingling with all of you!

I am currently teaching classes, leading workshops and seminars, writing articles, and presenting at conferences and conventions.
I can be reached through my website www.successfuleventplanning.com


event planning, hospitality industry,

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