Pitchrate Expert | Jennifer Gardner, M.D.

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Jennifer Gardner, M.D.

Category of Expertise:

Health & Fitness, Lifestyles, Parenting


Healthy Kids Company

User Type:

Dr. Gardner is a board certified pediatrician and the founder, CEO and visionary of Healthy Kids Company. She is a parenting and child wellness expert with a special interest in pediatric obesity and weight management, nutrition, fitness, and child development. As a pediatric hospitalist and emergency medicine attending she has treated thousands of children and brings this experience and love of children to Healthy Kids Company.

As a pediatrician she offers practical insight and expert medical information in the areas of general pediatrics, child wellness, growth and development, feeding, diet and nutrition, fitness, weight management, and pediatric emergency medicine. As a mother of one precocious preschooler, she understands time constraints, scheduling conflicts, food jags and food refusals, meal planning fatigue, and the occasional tantrum, all barriers to getting a healthy meal on the table and staying active, but makes these a priority in her own home.

Dr. Gardner is an active member of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), The Obesity Society, one of the leading scientific societies dedicated to the study of obesity, and the Obesity Action Coalition, a non-profit organization whose mission is to elevate and empower those affected by obesity through education, advocacy and support.

Dr. Gardner is a board certified pediatrician and a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP). She graduated from Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons and completed her pediatric residency at Georgetown University Medical Center, where she was an attending and clinical instructor at Georgetown University Medical School. She graduated with honors from The University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Gardner enjoys writing about health and wellness and is a contributing author to The Mommy MD Guide to Losing Weight and Feeling Great. She is also the author of a children’s book promoting healthy eating habits, An Eating Creed Indeed, Indeed!
Dr. Gardner was raised in Haddonfield, NJ and now lives in Washington, DC.


gardner, obesity, healthy, university, pediatrics, children, medical, wellness, kids, company, child, weight

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