Pitchrate Publicist | Kimberly King

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Kimberly King

Category of Expertise:

Authors, Book Writing & Publishing , Development, Family, Love & Relationships, Mental Health/Psychology, Political/History


Boulden Publishing

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Kimberly King is a child-development professional, certified early-childhood educator and speaker. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in early childhood development and family studies from University of Maine and a Master of Science degree in early childhood education. She is the author of
“I Said No!,” a best-selling children’s book about sexual-abuse prevention, and “When Your Parents Divorce,” a kid-to-kid guide to dealing with divorce.
Kimberly is a busy mom of three children, yoga teacher, and trained "Steward of Children Facilitator" with Darkness2Light.org.

King lives with her family in the Coastal Virginia region and is available for media interviews, school visits, and author signings.


Author, Educator, Sexual abuse prevention expert, sexual abuse prevention book for children, best selling author of sexual abuse prevention book for children, author of I Said NO! a kid-to-kid guide to keeping private parts private.

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