Pitchrate Expert | Dede Rittman

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Dede Rittman

Category of Expertise:

Authors, Book Writing & Publishing , Communication, Education


Rittman Publishing, LLC

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After teaching English and Theater for 37 years and coaching golf for 33 years, I have written a book for new teachers, STUDENT TEACHING: THE INSIDE SCOOP FROM A MASTER TEACHER. I emphasize the Three C's of success: Confidence, Communication, and Creativity. Written in first person, the book is a fun and fast read. Take a look at a chapter at www.dederittman.com. I am also a motivational speaker, available to speak on a variety of educational topics, including teacher burnout. Additionally, I write a weekly inspirational blog for educators at www.bunnyteacher.blogspot.com

I LOVED teaching and want to continue to contribute to the field of Education.


Teaching, Author, Education, Inspiration, Confidence, Communication, Creativity, motivational speaker

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