Pitchrate Publicist | Samuel Mwinamo

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Samuel Mwinamo

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance, Business Performance, Parenting, Personal Finance, Personal/Business Coaching, Religion/Spirituality, Sports


Optimize Institute

User Type:

I am A Management Professional with experience in Hotel and Hospitality Management, the Humanitarian sector, Travel and Insurance Industries. I am also actively involved in Youth ministry and empowerment at my local church. For the last 15 years I have been involved in studying and teaching young people on how to live an optimal life and I have a good grasp in this area. I am the Founder and current MD of Optimize Institute which is involved in teaching and training on Optimization, coaching and consulting for businesses and other organizations in the areas of Resource and Process Optimization. This places me in a position to contribute significantly in the areas of personal development and productivity, efficiency and good stewardship in relation to both individuals and organizations. I also have a keen interest on technology, and more specifically mobile technology and soccer. My favorite pass time activities are walking, reading for fun and watching soccer.


Personal Development, Optimization, Resource Management, Coaching, Consulting, Business Processes, Productivity

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