Pitchrate Expert | Heidi DeCoux

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Heidi DeCoux

Category of Expertise:

Business Performance, Family, General, Hot New Products, Lifestyles


Clear Simple Living

User Type:

Heidi is the owner of Clear Simple Living and is a P.O.P. Consultant (Productivity, Organization & Profitability).

She is devoted to giving power and freedom to others through life, home and business organization, as well as, time mastery, productivity, and business automation.

In addition to her line of products, workshops, consulting services, Heidi publishes two e-Magazines - Life Made Simple and P.O.P. e-Tips.

Heidi energizes the lives of her clients and readers by teaching simple and effective organizational systems & time mastery skills for life, home and work. You will learn to:

* Accomplish more in less time
* Make more money
* GAIN peace of mind

While she is known for her expertise in productivity, organization & profitability for small business owners, her client's will tell you that the biggest impact comes from her philosophy:

"When you are productive, organized, and running a profitable business that you love, you have the power to follow your life's purpose and live your best life."

In Heidi's opinion, this is the most important key to transforming our planet: Imagine a world in which we each live our best life.


home organization, home office filing system, home office organization, productivity, organizing paperwork, time mastery, time management, paper filing system, paper filing method, online marketing, business automation

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