Pitchrate Expert | Erika Oliver

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Erika Oliver

Category of Expertise:

Authors, Communication, Family, Mental Health/Psychology, Personal/Business Coaching

User Type:

Erika Oliver, MPA, is a Positive Approach Coach who helps people, teams and organizations find their “happy” for positive, effective communication and relationships. As a recovering pessimist, Erika is dedicated to using her communication, sales, marketing and wellness training and experience to connect people to themselves and to each other. She believes we have infinite power for outrageously positive relationships, experiences, and possibilities when we choose the thoughts we think and work from a positive approach.

Erika has worked in the not-for-profit and private sectors, earned undergraduate and graduate business degrees and has published four books including the award-winning “Three Good Things: Happiness Every Day, No Matter What!” which is the subject of groundbreaking research to increase the positivity of hospital nurses. Most recently she has published, “Happy Crap: Unleash the Power of Positive Assumptions!” and is spreading crap – of the happy variety – everywhere she goes! Erika lives in Michigan with her husband Mark and their two sons, Erik and Evan. When she is not writing or speaking you will find her playing outside or on a yoga mat. Erika can’t wait to help you unlock and unleash your positivity power!


happiness, positivity, optimism, motivation, leadership

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