Pitchrate | Tapping into your creative Mojo!

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Charmaine Hammond

Charmaine Hammond, MA, BA, is an international transformational speaker, best selling and award winning author and radio host, helping people live inspired, resilient lives and is a leading trainer in corporate North America helping transform workplaces. She is best selling and award winning auth...

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04/21/2012 11:38am
Tapping into your creative Mojo!

Children are wonderful teachers of creativity. I was reminded of this from a little boy named Tommy, a grade 2 student in California. During a presentation my dog Toby and I provided at his school, I noticed this little boy in an orange shirt sliding a piece of paper out towards me, every time I walked in the area he was seated. I made a mental note to myself to check this out. At the end of the presentation, this little boy made his way toward me and said “my teacher told me to show you this” as he handed me a bunch of papers stapled together. “I’m writing a book, just like you did. Check this out.” Tommy took me page by page through his book, a beautiful story about an alien family that set out for a journey to outer space. He explained that the family was actually his own, and pointed out his illustrations and the humor that he had woven through this rich story, a beautiful story. Tommy’s book was not limited by assumptions, limiting beliefs, or a preconceived idea about how things should be. This little grade two student with a big dream, a clear goal and a great grasp on creativity will no doubt be a bestselling author or illustrator one day, and he reminded me to simply dream.

We are born with imaginations; however, as we age, and experience life, we sometimes lose the ability to tap into our creativity. Often our daily habits and routines actually stifle creativity, instead of inspiring it. Creativity, the ability to innovate and generate new ideas and move them to action, is quickly smothered by doubt and preconceived ideas about how something “should be”. Instead, think about how it could be. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to be possible. Children ask one simple question that comes from a place of pure curiosity…”why?” Children also explore, create and dream with few to little barriers. They are open, and often like little sponges, soaking up all the world has to offer. As adults, we can benefit from tapping into our creative mojo with lessons learned from a child. Here are a few tips to expand your creativity, and as an author, have certainly helped me:

1. Find your creative zone. Where do you feel inspired? What places, rooms or atmospheres do your creative juices run on warp speed? Once you determine your creative zone, make it a point to go there and create there.
2. Be physical, be active. Movement, activity and getting the blood flowing is an important element in creativity. As your energy increases, so does your passion and your creativity.
3. Always have a pen and paper. Try something new. Write in your non-dominant hand, or print in block letters or unique writing style. Use different colours. Use symbols and pictures, instead of words.
4. Give your brain a 20 minute workout. Learning something new, challenging beliefs, and developing a new skill set is a great way to unlock creativity. Be curious. Ask yourself.... "why?"
5. Silence the creativity critic and the self limiting beliefs. As your creativity is flowing, resist the urge to listen to the critic (the internal chatter and self talk that is negative) that says things like “that won’t work”, or other self defeating thoughts.
6. Give yourself permission to be creative. Set the intention, or as I like to say, frame your day. Decided in advance that you are creative and will tap into your creativity.

As you start your day, think of yourself like Tommy, an open mind full of hope and readiness for what could be!

Charmaine Hammond, MA, BA, is an international transformational speaker, helping people live inspired, resilient lives and is a leading trainer in corporate North America helping transform workplaces.
Charmaine is also an award winning and bestselling author of On Toby’s Terms (Bettie Youngs Books, Sept. 2010), Toby The Pet Therapy Dog – and his hospital friends (Bettie Youngs Books, Aug. 2011), and Bounce Forward (Hammond International Publishing, April 2011), and has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul- What I learned from the dog (Sept. 2009). She is


business, creativity, success, entrepreneurs, authors
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