Pitchrate | What every successful business should have....

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Patrick McFadden

Patrick McFadden is a marketing consultant, American Express OpenForum Advisor and SMB marketing thought leader. I'm the marketing expert to contact when you need out-of-the box, unique and effective content....not just words. His education-forward marketing information, articles, seminars an...

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11/01/2012 11:58am
What every successful business should have....

We all have seen the monopoly man and we all know what he looks like. So if you try to print the monopoly man on anything, you can’t. Why? Hasbro won’t let you and their lawyers are so aggressive that they have notified every person who prints something, that if you send them the monopoly man printed on an item, they will send you back a notarized official letter saying we will not print the monopoly man and neither can you.

What that means is that they have a monopoly on monopoly! And if you want the monopoly man, you got to buy it from them.

And every successful business has a monopoly. They have a monopoly on what it makes, that someone else can’t make it the way they make it. Brilliant business and marketing is around figuring out that product you can make or that service you can provide, that people are willing to cross the street to get, search the web to buy, visit when they’re in town, and that this is the only place they want it from.


monopoly, business success, business start-up,
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