Pitchrate | Surround Yourself With Success

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Amethyst Wyldfyre

In order to be successful in your business and empowered as a messenger you must feel safe speaking your authentic truth and able to powerfully & courageously present your point of view to the world. Please visit our website for a complimentary report - 3 Simple Secrets to Feel Safe Speaking When Y...

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11/27/2012 09:37pm
Surround Yourself With Success

Successful people do one thing - they COMMIT. To themselves, to their dream, to the people they are here to serve and to the Universe.

When you are called into your greatness - there is an overwhelming desire to move into the work - you are passionate, excited, enthusiastic and filled with juice - you've got your goals in sight - your engines are revving and you are caught in the throes of a LOVE AFFAIR with your work!

Then like in all good relationships - the high-octane fuel of new love recedes and the time comes for you to settle in and do the regular work of feeding the fire of your passion and keeping it going. THAT is the PRECISE time that you need to surround yourself with others who are successfully - VERY successfully delivering their gifts to the world.

When your own initial burst of excitement has burnt itself out - you need friends, partners, mentors, colleagues, coaches, trainers, and masterminders to help you to continue to move forward into your becoming - into your dreams and into the service that you were born to deliver into the world.

This is the most important time to LOOK AROUND and to SEE exactly who you have in your life- are the people around you your cheerleaders? Are you surrounded by folks who want the very best for you? Do you have anyone on your team who can offer a CONSTRUCTIVE view of where you might have some (or even many) weaknesses in your plan? Are there people in your circle who have already succeeded in doing something similar to what you are trying to accomplish.

The birds are squawking outside my window this morning - crows I think - reminding me to remind you that "Birds of a feather flock together" - so take a GOOD LONG LOOK at who you are "flocking" with. If you are challenged to move forward in your work - perhaps you've been spending too much time with the naysayers and it's time to look elsewhere - to look to create relationships with people who you wish to emulate - to engage in activities that are going to grow you, expand your mind about what is possible and provide a container of mutual support within which to investigate just where you might need some additional help to strengthen your own areas of weakness.

Detach from Drama - drama just sucks up your life force - your energy and it makes you lose focus on what is truly important to you. If you are surrounded by a lot of drama - ask yourself - what within me is ready to die to all this so that I can actually create something beautiful, sustainable and transferable that will serve not only myself but also the people I am here to serve and perhaps even future generations. Who is out there that is doing what I want to do? Go out there and start "flocking" with them - sooner or later Success Rubs Off. Seriously!

In order to be successful in your business and empowered as a messenger you must feel safe speaking your authentic truth and able to powerfully & courageously present your point of view to the world. Please visit our website for a complimentary report - 3 Simple Secrets to Feel Safe Speaking When You Are Called to Be A Messenger: http://www.theempoweredmessenger.com Prepare to be Heard By Millions!


amethyst wyldfyre, success, drama, relationships, commitment, goals
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