Pitchrate | How to Keep A New Year’s Resolution to Quit Smoking

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Maria Verven

Vaping Vamps is the only e-cigarette brand created by women, for women. Vaping Vamps offers e-cigarette starter kits, products and e-cig flavors that women tried, tested and preferred. Selling globally, Vaping Vamps created an exclusive ‘Tri-Level Kit’ with three decreasing levels of nicotine, a...

Category of Expertise:

Health & Fitness


Vaping Vamps


Maria Verven


12/27/2012 11:09am
How to Keep A New Year’s Resolution to Quit Smoking

January is a big month for resolutions, and the two most popular ones are to quit smoking and lose weight.

Vaping Vamps has just released the industry’s first and only ‘Ready to Quit Kit,’ which uses the step-down method of nicotine replacement therapy or NRT in a battery-operated device.

Dr. Heath of the American Cancer Society, Dr. Whelan of the American Council of Science and Health and several other doctors from leading institutions in the U.S. and U.K. support the new battery operated device for quitting smoking. In their letter to the FDA, they said, “methods such as the nicotine patch, gum, inhalers, and pharmaceuticals such as Zyban and Chantix are simply not helpful to the majority of those who try them.”

“People are looking for the easiest ways to quit smoking,” says Maria Verven, owner of Vaping Vamps. “And women in particular are concerned they’ll gain weight after they quit smoking. But quitting smoking and weight gain don’t have to go hand in hand. Women can substitute vaping instead of either smoking or snacking. It satisfies those oral cravings.”

“Increasing evidence shows that smokers are significantly more likely to quit when aided by (the new tools) as opposed to cessation products such as nicotine patches and gum,” said the 14 doctors in their letter to the FDA. The FDA is currently considering creating a new class of "tobacco harm reduction" products.

The good news is that women who stop smoking before middle age live 10 years longer than if they continued to smoke, according to a 12-year study of over 1 million women.

“My 21-year-old daughter quit smoking using the new battery device after failing to quit with the nicotine patch,” said Maria Verven, Vaping Vamps owner. “After she quit, I was determined to help other women quit smoking.”

As about 43 million people who smoke try to find the easiest ways to quit smoking and more research on the battery device comes to light, the market is expected to grow exponentially.

“Vaping Vamps is the only brand to focus on women and offer them something they can’t find anywhere else: a kit that can potentially help them transition to a longer, healthier and smoke-free life,” Verven said.

Consumers can purchase starter kits, the ‘Ready to Quit Kit’ and the ‘Vampstick’ (non nicotine) at the Vaping Vamps website, www.vapingvamps.com, where there’s free shipping on all products. Five percent of all profits are donated to Vaping Vamps’ non-profit partner, Dress for Success. Reviewers and sites that promote tools to help women quit smoking are invited to become affiliates.


new ready to quit kit uses step-down method of nicotine replacement therapy
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