Pitchrate | Who's Holding You Accountable, Entrepreneur

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Dekesha Williams

Dee Williams manages more than fabulous footwear, as owner and Business Strategist of Vizions Enterprises. Armed with a mission to “edify others by way of inspiration, motivation and education”, Dee’s commitment to leading her clients towards success stems from an ability to persevere towards ...

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01/25/2013 09:12am
Who's Holding You Accountable, Entrepreneur

Who's Holding You Accountable, "Entrepreneur"?
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=DeKesha_Williams]DeKesha Williams

How is Entrepreneurship a Profitable Method?

When you own your own business then you own the keys to your own destiny. You make the decisions in regards to how much money you will make in a year. You decide what work schedule you shall partake and whether anyone will work with you. This role as a small business owner carries a lot of weight however it consists of wearing several hats. The hats that most business owners wear consist of: marketing manager, payroll manager, human resource manager, loss prevention manager, IT department manager and so on. The list creates an anxiety and exhaustion just to re-read the prior sentence. Don't mistake entrepreneurship as a gravy career because there are several perks. In actuality it takes a considerable amount of effort, dedication and discipline to become a "successful" entrepreneur.

The Daily Distractions of Entrepreneurship.

With the increase of roles and responsibilities, people have to take into consideration the process in which they plan to get all task done. There are so many facets of life and business that can become an immediate distraction whether you work in a cubicle or kitchen table. Some of these distractions can actually help grow your business such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. These are all social media tools that are used to network and remain relevant to clients but can quickly gear you off track in which you become distracted. The last thing you want to do as a start up company is loose track or focus on what the bigger goals are for you and the company.

Get Yourself an Accountability Coach!

Small business owners have flexibility and no direct report which is a benefit to owning your own business. When you do get distracted from the day to day hustle of growing your business who is there to bring you back on course? If you work alone then there is no one watching over you to see how much time you spend on Facebook. I highly recommend that you invest in an accountability coach. This coach can be a marketing coach, business coach or life coach but it is important to know that by Friday someone will be calling you to check on your progress from the previous week.

Focus on using distractions to determine a method of increasing revenue in your business. Don't allow useful tools to consume precious time because once it's removed you can't press the undo button.

Vizions Consulting focuses on the growth of small businesses. We help our clients increase profitability by implementing cost-efficient strategies that are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely).

For more information and your FREE audio on the "5 Critical Mistakes of not Actively Seeking New Clients" here http://www.vizionsconsulting.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Whos-Holding-You-Accountable,-Entrepreneur?&id=7434340] Who's Holding You Accountable, "Entrepreneur"?


entrepreneur, small business, accountability
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