02/24/2014 03:09pm
Feng Shui Predictions for 2014, the Year of the Horse
My Feng Shui Predictions for 2014,
the Year of the Horse

Happy New Year! As I'm writing these lines we already are in the Year of the Yang Wood Horse.
As a Feng Shui Master*, but not by any mean a Chinese Astrologer, I want to give you my own take on what's going to happen in 2014.(*Didn't you know?! I studied three years with Feng Shui Master Denise Liotta-Dennis, who studied in Malaysia with Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai. I have now used Feng Shui to ENHANCE Wealth, Health and Relationships to my private, and VIP clients for a few years.
- Ask me if you want to know more!)
Galloping Horse. We need to move FAST.
The Horse, strongest of all the animal signs is represented by the powerful fire element. The impact of the yang wood over the fire Horse year will require us to be FAST and FLEXIBLE to keep up with the changes that will come this year.
When Strong Fire Horse meets Wood energy...
We are likely to see an explosion of energy, as this rapid fire energy is passionate. On the negative side we could see this energy manifest in real explosions, forest fires, gunfire, and future potential problems with nuclear energy.Yang wood is about strong growth. It is a powerful force at work! Like a new seeds pushing through the soil to see the light this will bring forth an energy of honesty, integrity, and reliability.Yet because of the intense fire underneath wood, it also may bring forth energies of people standing firm (like a big solid tree), lack of flexibility, people fighting for their principles or causes.
Strong Power! Wind and Fire.
The Wood Horse has a strong power and that will certainly affect our weather patterns this year. We are in the cycle of 4 this year, which represents the energy of wind, therefore we can expect lots of problems with wind, be prepared. There will be a higher chance to experience thunderstorms and flooding particularly in the Southeast.Note: if you watch international news (or a French TV channel, like I do!) you may already know that parts of France (Southeast, West and Southwest) have been flooded for a couple of weeks!Lots of Fire energy this year with the Horse coming in. This should make for even drier conditions (we don't really need this in Arizona!), a hotter summer. Watch for problems with fires and volcanic eruptions around the world.
Use Fire (and Passion) for your Business!
Fire is a driving force to stimulate the economy and entrepreneurs, business owners and investors will regain more confidence.The stock market should experience a robust year, fire feeds optimism, which will drive up the stock market. This energy should continue through 2015.Computer and Energy companies, Entertainment and Fashion industries should do very well this year. Fire energy will bring competition and dynamism.Since "Fire feeds Earth"in the theory of the Chinese five elements, everything related to Earth (real estate, agriculture, etc.) will benefit in the second half of the year.Not a good year for metal, mining, or water (fishing industry).
If YOU are a Horse
If you are born the year of the Horse (Remember Year starts in Feb! If you are born in January take the animal from the previous year! - 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1980, 1992, 2004) - and especially if you turn 60 this year (which means you are a Wood Horse!), fasten your seat belt for an amazing year of extreme successes...and a few extreme tense situations. This is a year for introspection, AND a great year all together. -- Yet know that it can be a roller coaster when you turn 60 this year!
If YOU are a Dog, or Tiger (like me!)
This will be a GREAT year too, because you are part of the "Fire frame" with the Horse. You get all the great energy from the Horse and the Fire, without too much negative (because you are NOT a Horse!).
For more information, and fun, go visit: and scroll down to your own Chinese astrological animal (If you don't know it, you can discover it on the right side of their page) for more "personal" predictions! Enjoy!
To see what Feng Shui can do for you, your business, and your life... to enhance your wealth, health and relationships,
contact Nathalie's Office 480-378-0739 (Mon-Fri 9-5 MST) to schedule a time to chat.