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Talayah Stovall

When Talayah G. Stovall steps onstage, her passion and energy immediately engage her audience. Her relatability keeps them engaged – she has been described by clients as “a breath of fresh air.” Talayah has experienced career and life transitions and has learned the power of reinvention. As Pr...

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03/14/2014 02:38pm
Create Your Own Reality

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” Gail Sheehy

March marks the beginning of spring, according to the calendar anyway. We associate spring with planting, new growth, and unlimited possibilities. In the spring, just as we plant the seeds of the flowers or plants we wish to grow, we can plant the seeds of the goals we are committed to achieving, and we will soon begin to see the tiny shoots of our dreams begin to sprout.

Many of us are concerned about the current economy. With record job losses, home foreclosures, and falling stock prices, we are all learning to re-create our reality. We realize that we must plant new seeds in order to reap a harvest in the current conditions. That requires creativity, determination, and patience. Unfortunately, the stage called “growing pains” can be very real. As we move from one phase of our lives to another, whether it is a career, lifestyle, relationship, or whatever, there can often be insecurity, fear, and hurt during the transition period. Often we don’t see the results of the seeds we have planted for a while as most new growth takes place under the soil, where it is dark, cold, and lonely. The fertilizer that has been dumped on us doesn’t smell too good, either, but it helps us to grow. The experience of having a business fail, or being downsized, or losing a loved one through death or divorce is just the fertilizer that will make us stronger.

In the current economy, it might become necessary to plant more than one type of seed. Diversification is the key to financial growth, and we must also cultivate diverse skills in order to succeed in life. We can no longer rely on the paradigms of the past; we must create a new reality.

Growth takes place from the inside out. Although it might seem as if things are not moving in a positive direction, it is just that the roots are still underground. Perhaps you laid the groundwork for an idea that did not come to fruition, or perhaps you made a networking contact that did not turn into a business relationship. Perhaps a financial investment has not paid off. Sometimes the harvest might seem delayed, but the seed is still germinating belowground. The time you invested, the lessons you learned, and the hard work you put in have not been ignored by the Creator. In season, your plans will start to sprout and grow. There are a few rules that are universal to any situation:

You must plant a seed in order for something to grow. No planting, no harvest.

You must plant in fertile soil. Don’t waste your time and ideas on people who do not embrace your vision or who are not truly in your corner.

You must till the land to prepare it for growth. Stir things up. Think outside the box to make the extraordinary possible.

You must make sure the plant gets water and sunshine. Have a strategy to keep your vision in motion. Don’t let it die before it reaches maturity. Network with others who will help you to cultivate your dream.

You must exercise patience while waiting for the harvest to ripen. Don’t give up on your goals. If you believe in the vision you have for your future, stand firm and stay the course.

Your ideas will soon sprout forth into the sunlight, and the harvest will be worth the investment. The longer you wait to plant, the more you delay your harvest. So, start planting now. And don’t forget to invite me to the harvest celebration!

Talayah G. Stovall is an author, speaker, corporate trainer and life purpose coach. This article is excerpted from her latest book, Light Bulb Moments: 75 Lessons for Everyday Living, published by Hay House, June 9, 2014 and available for presale. For more information, email her at: talayah@talayahstovall.com or visit www.talayahstovall.com


Light Bulb Moments, change, growth, life purpose, coach, author, speaker, personal growth, empowerment, women, vision, size, new, plant, don, harvest, normal, height, 7pt, font, times, growth, family, line, roman, seeds, vision, life, planting, spring, sprout, current, seed, order, perhaps
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