Pitchrate | Why Video Is Your Company's Best Friend

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Carmen Johnson

Carmen Johnson, BCHC (Board Certified Health Coach) is a driving force in helping parents and children answer their most burning questions...WHY? Why can't I have lots of sugar and processed foods? What's for lunch & What's for Dinner? For parents and children alike, Carmen simplifies all the compli...

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04/04/2014 12:46am
Why Video Is Your Company's Best Friend

Unless you're not keeping up with the latest craze on the Internet, you know that Video is HOT for both business and personal use. Wouldn't it be great if your company became the next YouTube sensation? The one thing everyone couldn't stop talking about at the water cooler? You never know, it could happen. YouTube is now ranked as the 2nd highest search engine online.

Video has changed the world in countless different ways, and web video has only made the revolution stronger. Sites like YouTube can transform an individual, or a company, from an unknown entity to the biggest star in the world. The power of viral video is well known, and many marketing professionals are busy trying to help their companies become the next big thing.

The trouble with that strategy is that it misses the bigger picture. Even if your firm does not become the newest overnight sensation, video marketing can provide a number of important benefits even if they don't go viral..

Video Lets Your Voice be Heard

Words on a page are a dime a dozen, but video speaks volumes. We have all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words - the good news is that a video can be worth far more. A well made video allows you to tell your potential customers your story and have them share your vision.

Videos Can Provide Long Lasting Results

A 30 second spot on television or radio is gone in a flash, but web videos can be kept virtually forever. Whether it is next week, next month, next year or years down the road your company's voice will still be out there.

Videos Show Your Company in a Positive Light

Consumers want to build a relationship with the companies they buy from, and companies like Apple, Google, and Nike have made a fortune trading on their corporate culture as well as their products. Web videos are a great way to introduce your potential customers to your own corporate culture.

Video Provides an Important New Outlet for Your Marketing Talents

Marketing is as much an art as it is a science, and it is important to show off your artistry in a number of different ways. Modern technology provides companies with a myriad of ways to get the word out, from articles in trade journals and webinars at trade shows to blogs and articles on the internet. Web video provides another powerful outlet for company marketing. One of the best and easiest ways to market your company and its culture is the ask your happy customers to provide video testimonials.

Producing Quality Video is Not as Challenging as You Might Think

These days chances are good your five year old niece has a cell phone with a video camera - and chances are also good that she knows how to use it. If a five year old has the talent and knowhow to create a video so do you. Many people are intimidated by video production jargon, but in the end if you have a camera and something compelling to say viewers will take notice.

Web video can provide many great benefits for your company, even if the videos you produce do not become the next internet sensation. Being the must see clip on YouTube would certainly be a bonus, but you do not have to go viral to go big.

Jeannine Clontz, IVAA CVA, MVA, EthicsChecked™, provides Internet marketing and social media solutions for busy entrepreneurs. Her free reports on Social Media Marketing Benefits and Time Management for Entrepreneurs as well as video business tips can be found at http://www.jeannineclontz.com For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation contact her at: info@jeannineclontz.com


Jeannine Clontz, Internet Marketing, YouTube, Video Marketing, Marketing Strategy, marketing, company, web, videos, provides, jeannineclontz, provide, youtube, culture, sensation, year, made, important, benefits, customers, viral
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