Pitchrate | Is Living In The Past Holding You Back From An Amazing Future?

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Erin Kuh

Tired of dieting and not getting results? Sign up now for your free copy of Your Last Diet e-book at http://plateshaper.com. Erin Kuh, registered dietitian, nutrition coach, and owner of The Plate Shaper, and is dedicated to helping you redesign the way you eat for permanent results.

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Health & Fitness


The Plate Shaper

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04/18/2014 01:47am
Is Living In The Past Holding You Back From An Amazing Future?

Do you find yourself dwelling upon past failed attempts at exercise routines and diets? Do thoughts like "Why should I even try? I won't be able to keep it up" float through your mind? Does this keep you from getting started or prevent you from reaching for a new goal?

Most people aren't successful the first time around, whether it be with getting fit or becoming self-made millionaires. We all hit bumps in the road. The difference between achieving long-term success and continuing to fail is to learn from mistakes and try a different approach the next time around. Follow this 3-step process to let go of the past once and for all to have a healthy future.

1. Acknowledge past failures but focus on your successes Maybe you've lost weight and regained some of it. Focus on the fact that you've kept some weight off. Or if you've never been successful with a fitness or health goal, focus on an achievement in some other area of your life. Are you a good friend, sibling, or spouse? Or perhaps you're successful in your career. This counts too! Let go of negative thoughts about the past that will only weigh you down.

2. Visualize Success If you can't see it, you won't achieve it! Run through your mind what you want to look like and feel like. Imagine how your life will be different. Play this out every morning when you wake up and throughout the day if your motivation is lagging. You can use this technique for individual workouts or making healthy choices at a restaurant. Walk through the healthy activity beforehand to practice the desired outcome.

3. Set realistic attainable goals Instead of telling yourself you'll lose 20 lbs by next month, never eat fast food again, and workout 7 days per week, start with something more manageable. Factor in time, energy, and other life commitments into a plan that you can live with. Setting the bar too high every time will almost always guarantee never reaching it.

By focusing on your successes, visualizing carrying out healthy actions, and making a plan with realistic expectations, you'll gain the confidence to start and the endurance to keep going to reach your goals!

Tired of dieting and not getting results? Sign up now for your free copy of Your Last Diet e-book at http://plateshaper.com. Erin Kuh, registered dietitian, nutrition coach, and owner of The Plate Shaper, and is dedicated to helping you redesign the way you eat for permanent results.


mindset, motivation, goals, The Plate Shaper, Erin Kuh, healthy, past, life, focus, successful, getting
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