06/19/2017 05:16am
From Article 50 to Brexit - 2017 - 2019 Timeline
There has been much discussion about Brexit in the UK so that we are now at a stage where it is difficult to remember the key facts and dates surrounding the topic.
Since the EU referendum in 2016 (amazing to believe it was that long ago), and the elections held and completed in a number of EU countries including the UK, France and Germany, very little has been provided relating to the political stages and timeline of events in which we are now a part of.
The following are key dates for the UK (there is also coverage in infographic form for the EU and individual European nations too):
Key UK Brexit dates - past:- March 29 2017; Article 50 triggered
- May 25 2017; NATO Leaders meeting
Key UK Brexit dates - future:- July 8 2017; G20 Meeting in Hamburg
- Sept-Oct 3017; political conferences including Conservative and Liber Democrat
- Dec 2017 (exact date tbc); EU parliament elections
- Mar 018 (end of quarter one); Soft deadline for Brexit negotiations
- Sept 2018; Parliamentary ratifications
Brexit Infographic
Brexit Timeline Infographic 2017-2019 - World First Currency Brokers
brexit, uk politics, EU, EU exit,finance, EU timeline, infographic, brexit, timeline, political, dates, key, infographic
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