Pitchrate | Single Mom Artists-the Power of Self Made Money

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M Theresa Brown

Artist entrepreneur, M Theresa Brown, whose expertise lies in sharing with visual artists the ways and means to sell their art without using art galleries, spousal income, rich relatives, grants, lottery wins and pensions :-). M Theresa Brown raised four children as a single mom entirely on sales...

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03/15/2011 08:49pm
Single Mom Artists-the Power of Self Made Money

Single Mom Artists-the Power of Self Made Money
by M Theresa Brown
Art Career Experts

Single mothers are everywhere. They are every race, every religion and in every country. Single Moms come from every financial strata yet their challenges are the same. Their desire to nurture and protect their children are the same. The discriminations they face are the same.

Single mom artists face another series of challenges. The main challenge is how they can use their artistic skills to bring home additional money. What can you create to stretch that ridiculous child support check? Or supplement the minimum wage job you hold? How can you pay for luxuries when you can barely afford the necessities? How do you break out of this rut?

Self made money. When you, as an artist, decide to take control of your life, you are taking the first step in getting control of your finances. Self made money is power. It is the power to help yourself, your children and make the right choices. It is the power to get off the stool in the corner of the boxing ring and step into the center ring, ready to confront the challenges that may come.

Self made money is the KEY to avoiding bad relationships. It gives the you the power to walk away or not get involved in the first place. Creating and marketing a tangible art product easily occupies late nights or early mornings and weekends and focuses your attention on what matters. A good life and your children. Children adapt and adjust to new life situations far better than their adult counterparts. Single mom artists who enlist and encourage the help of their children in creating their art products form a bond that encourages the nurturing and healing process. It becomes a unified goal with benefits for everyone. Your children will welcome the chance to be a part of that goal.

As an artistic mom, you have a huge advantage over artists who have no interest in selling their art product. A single mother always needs money and any possible hesitation in creating or selling your art vanishes in your desire to improve the lives of your children. Gone are the hesitancy's of wondering if you can do it, or what constitutes art or if you are talented enough. If you can pick up a paintbrush or pull out a sewing machine, you can create to sell. And you can sell well and freely because protecting and helping your children is a powerful motivator.

The single mom artist has everything that the other artists do not have. You have motivation, need, perseverance and dedication in abundance. You can't decide that the effort is not worth it. Giving up is not a choice when there are children involved. You are familiar with deadlines and juggling a number of hats. You can find an hour or two in each day to pursue your art or craft product and the marketing of it because finding and making time is one of your many your specialties. Whether you hold down one job or two. Whether you have one child or five. Whether you get child support or not, you do not have the luxury of a convenient excuse for giving up.

Self made money with your art/craft product is power. And when you, as a single mom artist, have that power, you will have the tools to climb out of the rut. And in doing so, the whole world for you and your children will change for the better.


art career experts, art marketing, single mom artist, wahm, art business, sell your art, m theresa brown, art selling guide, business cards, career artist
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