Pitchrate | Warmth and Positive Energy with Feng Shui Design

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Debra Duneier

Debra Duneier is the Founder and President of EcoChi, LLC, and Living Home by Debra LLC, a Feng Shui Master Practitioner, an accredited LEED® Green Associate, Certified Eco-Designer, and a New York State licensed real estate broker. Ms. Duneier is the creator of the EcoChi® system of design and th...

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10/05/2011 04:26pm
Warmth and Positive Energy with Feng Shui Design

Ensure that your home has warmth and positive energy by balancing the Five Elements of feng shui, within the design. In modern design "less is more" but all Elements must be in balance for harmony and positive energy. Here are some simple design ideas to get you started:

1. The Fire Element is represented by the colors red and orange and creates excitement. Other options are candles, fireplaces and fabric with triangular patterns. Too much fire could cause unrest and even arguments in your home so try your best to create a balance with the elements below.

2. The Earth Element The earth is what grounds us. It also nourishes and supports us. It is what we stand on—flooring, outdoor spaces, grass and soil. Here are some things you can do to honor the earth element within your home: choose marble floors and counters, stone fireplace fronts, clay pots and square shapes in displayed artwork.

3. The Metal Element energy is reflective. Shiny silver, gold and copper accessories, and round shapes are examples of the metal element. Designing with metal sculptures, coins or rich metallic fabrics creates a feeling of opulence.

4. The Water Element is most closely associated to wealth in feng shui. A small waterfall or fountain in the southwest corner of your property, a fish tank (with 8 goldfish for good luck and 1 black fish to chase bad luck away) are all relaxing in the home and bring in abundance! If water is not your thing, incorporate dark blue or black into your color palate-even just an accent of a dark color helps to keep the energy in balance.

5. The Wood Element symbolizes rebirth and growth and is represented by the color green. Place a small tree in your home or even a picture of trees to bring new and exciting things into your life. Green is easy on the eyes and green plants bring life force into the home. Their leaves actually act as small air filters and purify the air that you breathe!


feng shui, design home
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