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Jacinta Mpalyenkana

I am a published author, an Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Ho’oponopono (a Hawaiian Ancient mind healing technique,) and a Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner.

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Empowerment Through Words

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01/18/2012 02:51am

If anyone told you that it is a cup of tea to genuinely smile through a disappointment, then he/she has some pretence going on. Bad times are tormenting, leave alone discouraging, and in most cases if whatever has happened is the very opposite of one’s heart’s desires, he/she might feel like the world is closing in. However, even then, one has to realize that not everything happening at a particular time is visible. For instance I am certain that as you read this blog, you are breathing. However,do you see the oxygen? Don’t answer that.

The point in emphasis is that, every event that occurs manifests both visibly and invisibly. One’s two eyes will witness the visible part, however the invisible part can only be viewed by the mind’s eye – “the third eye”. The latter eye is only functional when the other two are closed. When one is still, and completely non-judgmental. This state of mind can be challenging to get to, especially if one’s thoughts are blogged with too many ideas or questions about how best to get out of his/her situation. Be encouraged that for every question, there is an answer. For every problem, there is a solution. For whatever is bad, there is something so amazingly good happening, although it may not be visible at that time, or in the process of being revealed. So my dear, do not be discouraged. Keep pushing, keep hoping, keep dreaming. It is part of the human existence. For more, check out http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1461079098 or www.tapthegood.com.
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