Pitchrate Expert | Jeannie Spiro

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Jeannie Spiro

Category of Expertise:

Business Performance

User Type:

Jeannie Spiro is The Business and Marketing Coach for Employed Solo Entrepreneurs. As CEO and Founder of She’sConfident.com she is a sought after speaker who teaches professional women eager to start a solo business and all those who are juggling a business on the “side” how to become an unstoppable solo entrepreneur by effectively using small pockets of time and proven marketing strategies to grow and market their business quickly and successfully while still on the job.

As an Employed Solo Entrepreneur Jeannie understands the obstacles and learning curve employees have as she learned to successfully start her business while attending school, working full time and raising a family at the same time. She began the process of re-inventing her career when after 20 years in corporate sales, marketing and public speaking she decided to add Health, Life and Career coaching to her repertoire however after starting her coaching practice she soon discovered that her true passion and calling was helping other women professionals re-invent themselves and start their own solo businesses. She now takes her corporate and real world experience and teaches women (and guys too!) how to become an “Unstoppable and Successful Solopreneur”.

Jeannie lives with her husband, their two children, their two pets “Steve” and “Tilly” on the coastline outside of Newport, Rhode Island.


United States

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