Pitchrate | How to Use Video in Your Business

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Jeannie Spiro

Jeannie Spiro is The Business and Marketing Coach for Employed Solo Entrepreneurs. As CEO and Founder of She’sConfident.com she is a sought after speaker who teaches professional women eager to start a solo business and all those who are juggling a business on the “side” how to become an unsto...

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04/13/2012 07:34pm
How to Use Video in Your Business

Many of the people I work with are relatively new to starting a business and are unsure about jumping on the video bandwagon. They wonder if it is just another "trend." So I wanted to share my thoughts on it this week and offer up a few tips and strategies around using video in your business.

I think video is fantastic. I love using it and find that the preparation and delivery are easier for me. It is an alternative to writing long articles that are more labor intensive. I also believe it is a trend that is here to stay and will continue to increase in popularity.

There are several benefits to using video. It helps to connect you more with your followers and builds the "like, know and trust" factor more quickly. It also gets your business brand on YouTube - which has become a leading search engine.

There are several ways I'm going to suggest you might want to use video in your business - and you can decide which way to go depending on how comfortable you feel about getting in front of a camera.

• Create a video for the home or landing page of your website. You can share who you serve, how you serve them, and let them know about your free offer, assuming you have one.

• Consider doing a video series. Offer some of the strategies and tips you share with clients in the form of a three or four video series. Your followers will get to know you quickly, and this is a great list-building opportunity.

• Consider alternating a video with an article for your ezines. See how it feels for you and see what the reaction is of your audience.

I also wanted to offer you a few tips on putting your video together:

• The most important is to consider your customer. Where is YOUR audience going to be hanging out and how they are best going to get your information? Is video right for them.?

• Keep videos short but pack them full of valuable information. They are a great way to stay fresh in people's minds.

• Plan to record a few videos at a time and just change up your outfit and accessories. This is a major time-saver.

• Consider whether video is in your comfort zone: after you've done a few, you'll know if your personality is coming through genuinely, or if you are looking nervous in front of the camera. Video works for me because it IS in my comfort zone.

• You don't need fancy equipment, a Flip camera, iPad, or smart phone will do the trick. And you don't have to have a beautiful setting just make sure it is one that is true to you and supports your brand.

• Lastly, if you are afraid to get started just try something small and see how it feels for you. Many people think they are going to be uncomfortable in front of the camera, but then it gets to be really natural for them.


If you haven't tried using video for your business yet, take some time to research whether or not it is a good fit for yours. Simply start by watching how others in your industry are using it. Go to youtube and search for the field you specialize in and see which types of videos appear. You'll find a wealth of information and possibly find it's right for your business too.

Jeannie Spiro, The Employee to Solopreneur Breakthrough Mentor, teaches professional employees and those who have left the corporate grind how to start their solo business, attract their ideal clients, develop multiple streams of income, and create the life of their dreams. For FREE tips on how to create and expand your own solo business, even if you're still on the job, visit http://ShesConfident.com


coaching, consulting, entrepreneur, running your business, services, video
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