Pitchrate Expert | Sonya Dickerson

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Sonya Dickerson

Category of Expertise:

Book Writing & Publishing , Lifestyles

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Supermodel was a name that stuck to me during my ten years as a bus driver for the Chicago Transit Authority.

When I was diagnosed with lupus in March 3, 2011, I became known as A Supermodel With Lupus. It was just a nickname that stuck.

It's been over a year that I've been diagnosed and I went from being a full time working single mother to a full time working single sick mother. I've learned so much about autoimmunity and other diseases and conditions by reaching out to others using the internet.

There isn't a lot of support for people with chronic illnesses that aren't the big three (Breast cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease)

So I started the Butterfly Outreach Program that gives assistance to women fighting chronic illnesses and diseases. I've written over a dozen articles about chronic illnesses and pain management.

I also authored a book titled, "Diary of A Sick Chick; A Year In The Life of A Chronically Ill Woman", which is available on Amazon.com.

I'd like to share my experience with the millions of people across the world that live and suffer with chronic illnesses. I'd like to let them know that they are not alone.


autoimmune diseases, diseases and conditions

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