Pitchrate Expert | Claire Sells

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Claire Sells

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About EuroSmartz:
EuroSmartz was founded by two brothers from New Zealand in 1994 and has excelled at developing software products across multiple platforms and operating systems. EuroSmartz was the first company to bring the functionality of printing photos, contacts, web pages and more to the iPhone when it released "Print" in late December 2008. Since that time EuroSmartz has become the number one provider of business apps for the iPad, iPhone and Android devices. EuroSmartz' app "Print n Share" was selected by Apple to be featured in the "Office" iPhone TV commercial which aired throughout 2009. In 2010 EuroSmartz' other leading app "PrintCentral" was featured as "App of the Week" in the UK and European iTunes App Stores.


android apps, iphone apps, ipad apps, mobile printing

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